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  • Writer's pictureRay B.

Raining bubble gum

Roger was a successful businessman, and he loved to drive his Ferrari California around town. He loved the feeling of the wind in his hair and the purr of the engine as he accelerated down the road.

It was Sunday, a beautiful day in January, the sunshine reminded him of summer and the cool breeze was just the perfect combination to take the car out for a spin on the highway and open her up. But as he got onto the highway, he realized that he had made a mistake. The traffic was bumper-to-bumper, and he was stuck in the middle of it. He sighed in frustration and turned on the radio, hoping to find something to distract him from the gridlock.

As he waited in his car, he noticed a school bus driving alongside him. He looked over and saw a group of kids inside, laughing and joking around. He smiled and waved at them, enjoying their energy and enthusiasm.

But then something unexpected happened. One of the kids in the bus took a piece of gum out of his mouth and spit it in the direction of Roger's car. The gum hit the interior and landed on the headrest, sticking there stubbornly.

Roger was upset about the gum in the headrest but was relieved that it didn't land in his hair!. He grabbed a tissue paper and tried to remove the gum. Luckily, it was easy to remove, and he realized that it could have been much worse.

He reminded himself of when he was young and did stupid things to show off in front of other kids. He cringed at the memory of daring others to do dangerous and reckless things. He realized that he was lucky to have come out of those situations unscathed and that he should be more forgiving of the kid who spat the gum.

As the bus drove away, Roger made a joke to himself about being next to a school bus in the future. He knew that he couldn't let one incident ruin his enjoyment of his car and that he should focus on the positive experiences that driving it brought him.

When he got home, he gave the car a thorough cleaning, making sure that there were no traces of the gum left. He felt a sense of satisfaction knowing that he had taken care of the problem himself.

As he drove the car around town, he realized that he had learned an important lesson. He knew that life was full of unexpected challenges and that it was important to be prepared for them. He felt a renewed sense of appreciation for his car and the joy that it brought him.

And as he drove off, he couldn't help but smile at the thought of the kid on the bus making funny faces and gestures. He knew that he would always cherish the memory of his Ferrari convertible, and that he would always be grateful for the experiences that it brought him.

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