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  • Writer's pictureRay B.

The Ferrari Floats!

Updated: Mar 29, 2023

Alfred was a successful businessman in Miami. He had everything he could ask for: a luxurious condo, a successful career, and a beautiful custom Ferrari 488 GTB . However, there was one thing he lacked, and that was love. Alfred had been single for years and longed for a companion to share his life with.

One rainy day, as he sat in his condo, scrolling through social media, he stumbled upon a post about the Miami Heat game. He had always been a basketball fan and had never been to a live game. Something about the post caught his eye, and before he knew it, he had bought tickets to the game.

As he left his condo, the rain had stopped he felt a sigh of relief and hopped into his Ferrari 488, revved up the engine, and headed out into the streets of Miami but soon he realized that the rain was turning heavier than he thought. The streets were flooded, and he could hear thunder in the distance. Despite the bad weather, Alfred was determined to make it to the game.

The rain was pouring down heavily, making it difficult for Alfred to see the road ahead. He turned on the windshield wipers to their maximum speed, but it wasn't enough. The raindrops were coming down so hard that it sounded like hailstones hitting the car. The wind was also picking up, Alfred listened to the news and it was just a tropical storm that was dying down.

Alfred knew he had to be careful, but he was also excited about going to his first basketball game, he had a feeling inside that was making him go. As he drove down the road, he saw that the street was flooded. He slowed down, but he knew he couldn't turn back now, and so he decided to cross the flooded street with caution. The rain had made the street look deceptively shallow, but as he got closer, he realized it was much deeper than he thought.

As he drove through the water, he felt the Ferrari start to move to the side. The rear wheels were not making contact with the ground, and the Ferrari was starting to float! Alfred tried to keep calm and continued moving forward every time the wheels touched the road. He knew he couldn't take his foot off the gas or the engine would stall, and he would be stuck in the middle of the flooded street.

Alfred's heart was pounding as he continued through the flooded street. He was scared that he would lose control of the car and get swept away by the water. The water was getting deeper, and he was afraid that the car would be submerged if he didn't make it to the other side soon.

Finally, with a sigh of relief, he made it through the flooded street and continued on his way to the game. As he parked the car, he inspected it for any damage and walked towards the arena, he felt a sense of accomplishment. He had made it to the game in one piece and the Ferrari was a true sport going through the flooded streets.

The game was exciting, and Alfred found himself cheering along with the crowd. As he was watching the game, he noticed a beautiful blonde sitting a few rows down from him. He couldn't take his eyes off of her, and he knew he had to talk to her. After the game, he mustered up the courage to approach her and strike up a conversation.

Her name was Marilyn, and she was a huge basketball fan just like him. They hit it off instantly, and he knew he had to ask her out. But he decided to wait until another day, he didn't want to risk getting stuck in another flooded street.

The rain had stopped by the time the game ended, and Alfred decided to take a different route home to avoid the flooding. As he drove down the highway, he couldn't stop thinking about Marilyn. He knew he had to see her again.

As he pulled into his condo, he felt good that he followed his impulse to go amidst the rain. He had made it to the game, met a beautiful girl, and he and his Ferrari had made it home safely. It was a rainy day in Florida, but it turned out to be one of the best days of his life.

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